
Friday 25 January 2013

Posy Fieldfare and Starling

Last week's snow gave us a daily list of exciting winter birds feeding in the garden. The most fun and charasmatic bird has to be the Fieldfares.
As is there nature, Fieldfares zealously guard any garden bird table or feeding area especially if apples are on the menu. They can also be quite tame; I swear our bird below squawls at us for more apples.
Our birds are typical Fieldfares, chasing off Blackbirds and each other out of the garden. When the snow was on the ground (it has since melted), the local Starlings also fed on the apples chasing off all intruders and giving the Fieldfares a taste of their own medicine.

Don't let me leave the impression of sunshine, the never-ending grim skies meant I had to use flash for these pictures.

Too tough for the Fieldfares to scare off, this Starling still has its black winter bill colour.

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